Finding anything related to decision-making in educational research is proving difficult, probably because the there are so few real decisions for most students. I'm interested in how people decide what to learn when they are intrinsically motivated. How do we decide which learning goals to pursue out of the infinite pool of potential knowledge and skills?
I also changed the title of the diagram to reflect the fact that it's not really my thesis yet -- it's just what I'm digging into for the framework.
I like the way you have separated out decision making - I think you may get some interesting research and comparative analysis if you look at the role of decision making in game design - the big difference between school and gaming is that in one you get to make decisions every few seconds and in the other you'd be lucky to make a decision every 6 months.
Papert claims
“Game designers have a better take on the nature of learning than curriculum designers.” (Papert cited in Prensky 2001, p131)
And I'm sure you've read them but Zimmerman and Martinez-Pons and Rhee and Pintrick provide frameworks for clarity when unpacking self-regulated learning
I am enjoying the thinking in your blog - thanks for the interesting thoughts shared
Thanks for the comment and suggestions, Artichoke -- it makes perfect sense to look further into game design!
I guess I was a bit reluctant to raise decision-making to the level of "main section", but I'm seeing that it's crucial.
Jeremy, that's a thought-provoking map you've created (and a great use of Gliffy, too). An observation that I don't have a ready answer for: you identify each author with a single topic, but most of us cover more than one.
True, Jay. This is really only intended as guide for me as I attribute references in specific sections. This academic writing is totally different than blogging -- I can't just reference good ideas and opinions and theories. I have to support my statements with references to mostly academic papers that proved a point or theory. And most points could be supported by multiple authors, so it's a matter of selecting one or two for each. I'm finding that process difficult.
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