Some of this pondering came out of another attempt to represent what I'm trying to do with my thesis in a concept map. The last one was a bit of a mess -- at the start I thought it might be too narrow, but ended up putting out tendrils into everything else. So with this one I stepped back a bit, attempting to simplify the language (removing the jargon and getting away from protocols/tools/tech terms) and concepts to distill what a person might actually want to do with a proper personal learning environment.
I'm still most interested in that one box called "What You Want to Do", which is where learning goals and 43 Things comes in. Having tools to help learners chart the future has not really been considered a big part of the e-portfolio/PLA scene, but I think it is coming. Overall, this is a much bigger vision than I had anticipated, which means I'm probably off-track and going too broad for the thesis again. I ended up changing the label in the middle to "E-Portfolio" as I saw some old familiar elements emerging. Now I'll have to go back now to see how Dave, Helen, George and others did a way better job of conceptualizing this a year or two ago when e-ports were all abuzz...all part of the learning process, I guess.
Glad to hear it, Aaron. It's not very deep or technical, but I like the word you used -- what is "desireable" is what I was trying to show...not from the perspective of the available technoglogy. That will have to be the next step, and I suspect that others have already done a better job of that.
Thanks for the great thoughts -- your post sparked some ideas that I put down over at Elgg.
Thanks for the note, Bill. Your post has me thinking further, and I'll comment over there.
Hi Jeremy,
What an effective diagram to describe an e-portfolio in 'community' terms. I'd really like to use this in my communities, with your permission of course.
Sure, no problem, Carole. I don't know if you noticed, but I updated this e-portfolio model and added more explicit elements: Personal Learning Environment Model.
Hi Jeremy, thank you for this diagram. But I cannot read inside the boxes, could send it to me or make it clearer ?
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