Monday, January 24, 2005

Context, Blogfolios and Managed Learning

I guess I'm linkblogging mode these days. This too shall pass...
  • Rob has been on fire in the last few weeks, and I love his take on how we've taken all kinds of learning (formal and informal) out of its proper context.
  • Brian shows off the blogfolio concept they're working on, along with some good commentary on the intersection of blogs and more traditional portfolio presentations -- the comments are worth reading as well. It looks very close to what I was describing last week, which was sort of dismissed by Karina's excellent second round of explanation of why she thinks blogs are not a good tool for portfolios. She didn't seem too impressed by Brian's blogfolio concept either, but I don't understand the parallel between it and fill-in-the-blank institutional systems.
  • Fascinating conversation centered around James Farmer's vision for learning management (or unmanagement), with follow-ups here, here, and here.
And finally, Aaron Campbell had one of the best short posts about the mismatch between the intrinsic motivation of students and what we require of them in schools:
"Students are motivated inwardly to learn. Like all people, they're driven in some form or another to pursue what interests them, be it video games, sports, nature, books, or the proverbial 'sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll'. What propels many students through the educational institutions of society is not these genuine interests, but rather those motivational factors applied from without: pressure from parents and society, fear of failure, the power of authority. If a student is lucky enough for his or her intrinsic interests to be aligned with what school offers, fine. But for a significant number of students, much of what school offers is a grinding chore. In many school settings, there is little outlet for students to pursue what truly interests them. In this sense, their interests are supressed, their creativity stiffled, and their freedom curtailed. Is it no wonder so many behavioral problems exist?"

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