Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Blogs as E-Portfolios?

Rob's got another great post on e-portfolios again today, still struggling with the question of why blogs can't be used as e-portfolios. I left an overly long comment over there including this part describing what I'd want my blogging application to do if it was going to be properly used for creating a type of e-portfolio presentation for a job application:
"I'd like to be able to go to my blog editor and publish a new copy of my blog that only contained the categories, posts (with comments and trackbacks) and artifacts that I had selected for the specific audience. I'd like to be able to customize the front page so that it created context for the rest of the site instead of just listing a bunch of disconnected posts -- I might also emphasize a couple of key artifacts (presentations, case studies) there that deserve better prominence than an interesting post. I'd want to reorganize (combine, split, make new) the categories for the specific audience. I'd also like to be able to make this entire site copy private, so I could include work samples or case studies from clients who don't want their stuff to be opened up to the web.

None of this is designed to keep potential employers from seeing the rest of my stuff -- like you said, they'll find it with google if they're curious anyway -- it's to help them easily find the most relevant reflections of my self and work that have the most impact in their context. It's mostly a question of good design, but right now it would be very challenging to do this with the most popular blogging applications."
A note I just thought of now...a site like this is already easy to create if you have web design skills. The process of selecting your own content, customizing, organizing and publishing it would have to be as easy to do as as blogs are now, at least if expected the masses to do it.

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